A302 Entropic Woman
36x24" oil on canvas
private collection
The patterns on her (Entropic woman) are all writing with a brush, upside down and backwards, etc. A sort of impromptu poem, but it would be very difficult for anyone to decipher. It's not important that you can read it, just that it's there, as all poetry is, except most people don't pause to notice it.
I was intrigued with the idea of entropy, of slow decay. So in the painting, the woman is losing information, bits of herself, data, behind her...but she is also building or adding information in front. She is pushing ahead, always pushing and gathering more information to make up for the loss. An important balance...instead of trying to hold on to old stuff, make new stuff.
In the same sense, ideas flow into us, and flow out of us in the form of our writing and painting. The in-flow is just as important as what comes out, for we are assimilators, translators of what we perceive.
I deliberately made an innocent, amorphous shaped woman; she is clean and glowing, open to new ideas, pushing ahead.
Anomaly Series
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